Cumin powder and its seeds are very popular in many Asian, Mexican, Middle   Eastern and Spanish world. Cumin is used in many culinary preparations. Most of  the Indian curries are incomplete unless there is a pinch of cumin. Popular spice blends like Curry powder and Garam Masala uses cumin as one of the main ingredient.These seeds are new in North America. Most of the People don’t know  the medicinal value of cumin.
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum Linn.) is antidiabetic; it reduces blood sugar, glycosylated hemoglobin, plasma cholesterol, tissue cholesterol, phospholipids, free fatty acids, and triglycerides. Cumin was more effective in treating diabetes than the drug glibenclamide in an animal model. [1] Cumin is antibacterial, [2] hepatoprotective, [3] and improves irritable bowel syndrome.[4]
Asian spice blends like curry powder, Garam Masala and other similar mixtures were created by ancient Ayurvedic system to meet the needs of taste and health. People don’t realize that making a curry with appropriate mix of spices  has long lasting health benefits. It has roots and research of hundred’s of years that uses synergistic effects of individual ingredients.
Ayurveda’s materia medica is extensive, with more than 700 herbs described in detail in the ancient texts [5]. Herbs and herbal mixtures utilized in Ayurveda are prepared by using the various parts of the plant (e.g., the root, leaves, fruits, bark, seeds, etc.). Herbs are sometimes used singly but more often in combination to provide synergistic effects and mitigate toxic side-effects [6]. Ayurveda does not recommend isolating the active ingredient because toxic side effects can occur and the synergistic benefits are lost. [7]. Extensive research has been conducted on Ayurvedic herbs over the past 100 years.
Medical Journal References
1. Dhandapani S, Subramanian VR, Rajagopal S, Namasivayam N. Hypolipidemic effect of on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Pharmacol Res 2002;46: 251–255.
2. Singh G, Kapoor IPS, Pandey SK, et al. Studies on essential oils: Part 10; Antibacterial activity of volatile oils of some spices. Phytother Res 2002;16:680–682.
3. Sambaiah K, Srinivasan K. Influence of spices and spice principles on hepatic mixed function oxygenase system in rats. Indian J Biochem Biophys 1989;26:254–258.
4. Kumar N, Kumar A. A comparison of different drug schedules under different groups of Siddha 1997;18:79.
5. K Patwardhan B, Vaidya ADB, Chorghade M. Ayurveda and natural products drug discovery. Curr Sci 2004;86:789–799
6. Mishra LC, ed. Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies. New York: CRC Press, 2004.
7. Sharma HM. Phytochemical synergism: Beyond the active ingredient model. Altern Ther Clin Pract 1997;4:91–96.
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