Indus Organics provides certified organic products for retail and bulk wholesale. Our current products are fine organic culinary herbs, organic spices, organic dehydrated and freeze dried fruits, organic super foods, organic coconut products, organic grains and organic seeds. Our retail package products are sold through retail stores, e-retailers, web store and companies supplying door-to-door grocery. Our industrial pack products are sold to organic food manufacturers. Our processing facilities provide custom processing of organic spices and herbs to meet the specialized needs of the industrial clients. We understand that quality of organic spices and seeds are crucial for your organic food business. We take extra care to offer consistent and quality products to all our customers. Our prices are competitive and we go extra mile to support organic food business. We are a young, aggressive and technology oriented company with focus on quality, cost and customer. We provide personalized service to our clients. We are small yet big enough to provide large supply demands. Our business partnerships in India, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Guatemala, Turkey, Peru, Bolivia, Indonesia, Tunisia, and other parts of the world have been formed to scale the supply to meet the global demands of organic products.
Indus Organic product processes are monitored and certified by internationally accredited certification agencies like CCOF. Indus products are primarily grown in different parts of world. Our farmers have not used chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticide and genetically modified seeds at any of our plantations.
Indus vision is to provide healthy and affordable organic food to everyone. We do not use any GMO seeds or irradiation on our products. We offer products that are grown in natural and sustainable environment without disrupting the ecological system of the nature. We are continuously expanding our supply chain network throughout world. We guarantee that customers get best quality products from us in agreed time frame. Indus team works with customers to define the supply level agreements (SLA) to meet the demands of cost, quality, quantity and availability for production processes and customers. Indus provides custom processed products to its customer due to in-house and shared facilities for grinding, cleaning, filtering, steam sterilization, drying, etc. Indus has facilities to perform testing at different stages of processing cycle to track and monitor the quality assurance. We use third party testing facilities for calibration and further testing to maintain the high quality standards for organic products.
Why Organic? Organic is not a simple replacement of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides with organic inputs and biologically active formulations, but it envisages a comprehensive management approach to improve the health and underlying productivity of the soil. In a healthy soil, the biotic components covering organic matter including soil life, mineral particles, air, and water co-exists in a state of dynamic equilibrium and regulates the ecosystem processes in mutual harmony by complementing and supplementing each other. When soil is in good health, the population of fauna and flora multiplies rapidly that sustains the biochemical processes of dissolution and synthesis at a high pitch. Healthy soil provides natural and healthy food ingredients. This state of soil life and the associated organic trans-formations will enhance the regenerative capacity of the soil and makes it resilient to absorb the effects of climatic vicissitudes and occasional failures in agronomic management. |

All Indus products are certified by CCOF to meet the guidelines of USDA for NOP standards and EEC 2091/2092 for European markets.
We are developing the new eco-friendly recyclable packaging techniques to reduce the energy consumption and save the mother earth. These initiatives are taken in conjunction with leading packaging experts. Indus is interested in developing a packaging methodology so that product life time is not compromised due to light, humidity and other factors.
We promote bio-diversity and sustainable organic farming techniques. Indus procures organic products from thousand of these environment conscious farmers and processes them at their plants before bringing them to the worldwide customers.